My best skin care advice
I have gone through skin care products galore and I have been through so many skin phases. While I know the skin goes through a lot with stress, hormones, and other factors I have been able to reduce my break outs with a few simple steps and tactics. These are all just simple things and small lifestyle changes you can start incorporating, in order to begin your journey into better skin.
My first peace of advice for you is too keep where you sleep clean. This means changing out your pillow cases regularly around one a week. I used to do this once every two weeks and though it worked for a while, one day I realized my skin was beginning to break out again. Right around my cheek area, which is an unusual place for my usual break outs. I then realized my, at the time, new dog was sneaking into my bed when I was gone and sleeping on top of my pillow. after this realization I began to not only make sure my dog stayed off my pillows but also washed them more often. The cleaner the surface, the less likely you are to collect dirt, sweat, oil, and excess makeup.
Having a clean surface is a great step but also crucial to properly wash your face. I wash my face twice a day, and every time I sweat. Cleansing the skin, especially washing your face with a quality cleanser that works for your skin type, is extremely beneficial. I use a salicylic acid cleanser, as it breakdown sebum, sebum is what gives you these break outs in the first place. These cleansers break down clogging oils and prevents as many break outs. I would recommend doing your research and finding the best one for you. Also remember not to use hot water directly on your face as it can be damaging to the skin, use cold water or tepid water and a quality cleanser for the best results.
Taking care of your body is key to taking care of your skin. I know that every one talks about drinking water exercising to help with your skin, that’s because it is very valid advice. Your skin is apart t of your body, it is your largest organ and in order to properly take care of your skin, you have to give nourishment , love and care to the rest of your body as well as your mind. Bringing healthier lifestyle choices is beneficial for your skin and over all well being in the long run. Since incorporating better habits into my routine, my skin has been so much better. Everything is about good regimen . I mean we already promote skin care routines, so by adding more healthy routines you will surely help your skin. Some healthy habits to include in your routine can be…
Working out as much as you can
drinking more water
incorporating vitamins into diet
eating less irritants
taking the time to check your mental health
giving yourself moments of self care
This is my recent skin, today actually. I have started back on these rituals and will be updating the Khaurafab social media about my skin as well as the wellness that goes behind it.
In my beliefs about skin care, it is not just about what you use on your face, but in your body. Eating right is really important too, that’s why I say to avoid anything that you are aware irritates you. For example, chocolate is not exactly the best for my skin, while I can admit to still consuming it around the holidays, I try my best to avoid it. Trying to reduce irritants in your system can not only benefit your skin but your over all health, which is most important.
All the advice I wrote about are all things I have picked up from personal experience, my own personal reaserch, and other peoples advice. If you need any more skin care advice specifically on skin care products you can read Khaura Fab approved on September 10th.